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Sample 1: Anglo-Australian, Arab and Asian people

Arab, Asians and Anglo Australians are examined across stereotypes and dimensions of competence and warmth. Stereotyping is an automatic response and is present even though the subject denies it consciously according to John Divido. The study across a population of 223 Anglo Australian individuals established a clear bias against Asians and Arabs on both the dimensions of competence and warmth. Surveys conducted along attributes of intelligence, education and likeability clustered around these two dimensions of warmth and competence for almost all representative social groups. It was also established that competence and warmth are inversely related and increase in one attribute leads to decrease in the other dimension. Further external or outgroups are generally perceived as lower in competence than ingroups. Also persons lower in social strata are perceived as higher in warmth while those higher in competence are perceived as lower in warmth.

Sample 2: Teams and groups, increasing organizational effectiveness

Effective leadership is all about providing clear vision for its employees and associated guidelines in which employees are expected to operate. Key to improved performance is empowerment of team members along with clear communication channels to provide directives clearly and cogently. “Teaming is a natural and vital part of human social and work life” (Linda, 2005). Team building is a structured process using which discrete units can be empowered and best practices used elsewhere utilized for building groups into functional teams which will provide the required output in timely and precise manner. Employees have to be charged with “passion”, an excitement, contagious enthusiasm and ownership about their work to produce results that are truly remarkable and unmatchable. An effective team has diversity which helps in tapping the individual prowess and utilizing it synergistically to produce an output more than sum of its constituent parts. Appropriate training and support from senior management can help build a supportive structure under which teams can nurture.

Sample 3: Divorce Harms Children

Divorce harms! That is undisputed, to what extent and to what degree is the question we have set out to examine? The research that has been carried out, has been critiqued for biased ness in sampling and later interpretation of data. Most researchers have determined that children of divorce have difficulty forming relationship of their own, are more likely to divorce themselves, are more prone to depression, become less religious and have reduced educational and financial attainment. In short the overall effect is proclaimed to be negative. There are most positive aspects out of divorce especially when there is no alternative option? We will examine these issues in detail and also see what sort of option does parents in conflict have and with what implications.

Sample 4: Di Cognitive Analytic Therapy

Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) works on reflecting with the client how she/he can understand why things went wrong in the past, and how client can be guided so that things will not go wrong in the future. This therapy seeks to apply the step by step approach of cognitive therapy – developed by Anthony Ryle, in the 1970’s Anthony Ryle used his background as a GP and work experience as a Consultant Psychotherapist to develop this mode of therapy. CAT focuses on the why emotional or psychological problems have occurred and to do this the therapist guides the client back to his her childhood where the root incident occurred that has resulted in manifestation of current problem. After eliciting the root cause then the therapist examines how the client has learned to cope with the problem and how effective is the coping mechanism. The final step is guidance of the therapist to help improve the client’s method of coping. A typical therapy includes 5 to 22 sessions and often includes both oral and written work which is shared face to face with the client. The close of therapy typically involves good bye letters to signify formal termination of the treatment process. CAT can help in a variety of disorders like; anxiety, depression, relationship problems etc.

Sample 5: Heritage Management

Tourism is a major industry and strong economic vehicle that makes a significant contribution to overall national economy. (Nicolette de Sausmarez, 2007) Tourism for many individuals is about enjoyment and having fun, for governments tourism is generator of important foreign exchange and job creator for allied industries. Tourist industry has a major impact on host country’s civil society and social landscape. Tourism provides economic benefits and influences the local residents in many other ways as well (Oui, 2005). Tourists are exposed to local politics implicitly by being exposed to conditions that are present for local residents.

Sample 6: Mutual Funds vs ETFs

Mutual Fund is a term, meaning joint venture. As the human minds evolve more civilized, it also has undergone many evolutionary postures. Formerly it was practiced as close ended mutual fund in which combined investment had limits. Simply in those funds a restricted number of investors were allowed to play. As a result they used to have limited profit. While following the same pattern some innovative thoughts were put together along with the basic ingredients of the recipe of mutual funds to make it more reproductive. The consequences resulted in the body of open ended mutual funds. These open ended funds are still hailing the demanding curse of present age.

Sample 7: Marketing and Technology Interplay

Marketing has changed since the onset of Technology and dot com syndrome and the whole concept has been revised. The conventional methods of marketing though existent now occupy a much less importance in relative terms and are continuously losing out to the new concepts and Information Technology related campaigns. And hence the role of an effective Marketing Officer is now in the phase of redefinition. A balance needs to be maintained between using the conventional tools and to look for new upcoming technologies; some of which are defined as heavens for the marketing campaigns; since these now provide access to a wide consumer base with a very low costs.

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